Quaker Oats help lower cholesterol for a healthy heart*
We all know Quaker Oats taste delicious, but did you know whole grain oats and oat bran can help lower blood cholesterol thanks to the power of beta-glucan – a soluble fibre that basically tells your liver to pull LDL (bad cholesterol) out of the blood?
Every bowl of our Quaker Oats and Oat so Simple range is a source of Beta- Glucan.
In simple terms, oat soluble fibre (beta glucan) helps control blood cholesterol by binding some of the cholesterol in your digestive tract.
Cholesterol levels may be lowered by making various diet and lifestyle changes.
A healthy balanced diet combined with regular physical activity, can help keep your body strong and healthy.
It’s been eaten for thousands of years but what is the best way to prepare it? And how do you pimp it into your favourite breakfast?
A simple bowl of porridge is a great hearty start to the day. But porridge can also be used as the first building block in creating a flavoursome breakfast masterpiece.
Nothing beats the smell of food that is fresh from the oven. So turn up the heat, grab some oats and start baking.
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*Based on daily intake of 3g of beta-glucan from oats. Oat beta-glucan has been shown to lower blood cholesterol. High cholesterol is a risk factor in the development of coronary heart disease. Coronary heart disease has multiple risk factors and altering one of these risk factors may or may not have a beneficial effect